Rags is closed but a number of useful telephone numbers are listed below.

Local Energy Authority Contact Numbers

Aberdeen City 01224 522 767
Aberdeenshire 01467 620 981
Angus 01241 435 612

Argyll & Bute 01546 604 239
Clackmannanshire 01259 452 562
Dumfries & Galloway 01387 260 190
Dundee City 01382 434 235
East Ayrshire 01563 576 000
East Dunbartonshire 01415 745 780
East Lothian 01620 827 365
East Renfrewshire 01415 773 785
Edinburgh City 01315 293 030
Falkirk 01324 503 020
Fife 01592 417 300

Highland 01463 702 500
Inverclyde 01475 712 605
Midlothian 01312 215 620
Moray 01343 543 451
North Ayrshire 01294 485 300

Wide selection of finest
North Lanarkshire 01698 302 038
Orkney Islands 01856 873 535
Perth & Kinross 01738 476 442
Renfrewshire 01418 403 162
Scottish Borders 01835 825 111
Shetland Islands 01595 744 890
South Ayrshire 01292 616 196
South Lanarkshire 01416 135 114
Stirling 01786 443 307
West Dunbartonshire 01389 737 139
West Lothian 01506 775 403
Western Isles 01851 709 249


Business charter for sustainable development.

At the campaign launch in Oxford Circus last week the Deputy Mayor of London, Nicky Gavron, was joined by media partner thelondonpaper to encourage Londoners to use a reusable bag as well as reusing the plastic bags that they already have, instead of putting them in the bin where they will end up on landfill sites - this is a real waste of resources, causes harmful pollution and contributes to climate change.


News - Local News: Your Local Community Website for Ramsbottom

People in Bury have risen to the challenge to boost Bury's recycling rate and are already on track to win their race to recycle.




RAGS has ceased trading. The ownership of this domain and this site is WHOLLY UNCONNECTED with the former Association or the former owners and all responsibility for any issues in relation to the domain or the site attaches solely to the present owners. If you would like to submit an article or information about your experience with the RAGS please email ragsdesk@rags.org.uk and we will endeavour to include it in this site.